Thursday, 3 November 2016

World falls in love with vegetable seller

Pretty Nepalese 'sabji wali' sets social media on fire


You might have seen or heard about Pakistan's blue-eyed “chai wala” (tea seller) Arshad Khan, whose good looks made him a global social media darling.

Now, meet this Nepalese “sabji wali” (vegetable seller girl), who recently set Twitter on fire. 
The girl, seen in a green "Kurta" carrying plastic vegetable trays in her head while crossing a Himalayan mountain suspension bridge (reportedly between Gorkha and Chitwan), has become the latest sensation on the micro-blogging site.
Soon after Nepalese photographer Rupchandra Maharjan posted the picture of a young and pretty "Nepali sabjiwali" on Twitter, the post became viral.

Social media sites later identified the vegetable seller as Kusum Shrestha. The Gundruk Post reported Shrestha as a XIth standard management student from Bhumlichok village who helps her parents by selling vegetables in the local market.

Meanwhile, the blue-eyed chai wala is now reportedly set to embark on a new career in Pakistan acting in an upcoming TV soap.

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